Nile Felucca

  • DSC01302  Mona whiles the time away as we tack into the wind on our felucca.
  • DSC01305  Home for the next two days.  We ate here, slept here, read, talked, etc...  Note: Our accomodations did not include a restroom; much the consternation of some.
  • DSC01306  Nothing much to do, but watch the shore float past.
  • DSC01309  Dave and Emma, a charming couple from England.
  • DSC01311  The only bridge we saw in the ~25 km felucca trip.  It was a very nice, new looking bridge.
  • DSC01312  It appeared, a lot of people lived and worked on the banks of the Nile.  We saw very few people fishing, mostly farmers.
  • DSC01313  Chris and Mona in our felucca nest.
  • DSC01317  Looking upstream to the second felucca.
  • DSC01318  The galley, each boat crew took turns preparing meals.  They did a great job, the food was plentiful and tasted great.
  • DSC01320  A typical part of the shore, notice how quickly the green belt along the river turns to desert.
  • DSC01323  Another part of the shoreline, the desert starts within hundreds of meters from the shore of the Nile and continues unbroken for thousands of miles.
  • DSC01325  A farm on the shore.  A typical field was probably about the size of a tennis court.  A farm was usually made up of 2-4 fields each planted with different crops.
  • DSC01326  ...and where there are farmers, there are usually ranchers.  Here there are donkeys, sheep, and goats; a mix of animals we often saw.
  • DSC01328  A mid-day stop for lunch and a short swim ( at least for some).  I eventually persuaded Mona into wading.  The water felt nice and was moderately clean here.
  • DSC01333  A tree.  We thought it may have been some type of date tree.  We were wrong (about the date part, we're pretty sure it's a tree).
  • DSC01337  Our felucca, in the distance, anchored with the second felucca.  They were very pretty boats, but didn't seem to be very efficient.
  • DSC01341  Our boat getting ready for bed.
  • DSC01342  Everybody had plenty of room and the mattress-like flooring was pretty comfortable.
  • DSC01343  The only problem was the temperature.  During the day, the wind made it feel chilly and at night, the temperature dropped.  Luckily, the crew had blankets.
  • DSC01344  Mona getting ready for bed.  She slept fully clothed and awoke both mornings with the sun.
  • DSC01346  Our boat rigged for sleeping.  The curtain did a pretty good job cutting the wind and blocking the sun in the morning.
  • DSC01348  A small hut with and a fire.  I don't think this is where he lived, but I could be wrong.  I think he worked with the tour company to provide entertainment for the felucca groups.
  • DSC01350  Our anchor for night two (well at least part of the night in any case).  We went to sleep here and during the night we sailed/floated/were towed down river.  We awoke in a totally different place.